The Townend Family Letters

H P V Townend

L J Townend

This site includes verbatim transcripts of correspondence between members of the Townend family from 1930 until well after the Second World War, and other related material. Some of the comments in the letters, whilst unremarkable and acceptable at the time, might now be considered insensitive or politically incorrect, but they form an important factual record of peoples' views and opinions, and a useful resource for social or colonial historians. If such content might make you feel uncomfortable, then please do not read it.

My mother's parents lived in India for a long period. As was usual, their children (Richard, Annette and Rosemary) were sent to boarding schools in England. The only way my grandparents could regularly keep in touch with their children was by writing letters, many of which my mother (Annette) and Rosemary kept. These form the bulk of the correspondence reproduced on this site.

I feel that these letters are a valuable part of social history which should not be lost or destroyed. I am putting them on the internet in the hope that this will preserve them. I will upload them, a few at a time, as time permits. Some of Annette's letters to her parents are in the Somerville College Library and Bletchley Park Trust archive; my grandparents' letters are in the Bodleian Library, Oxford.

Helen Thornton
May 2018


HPV + LJT Letters

LJT Trek notes

Annette's Letters



Bout de Ville Times


updated 8 January 2025

Useful Links


Helen Thornton 2016 - 2025